This training will discuss the importance of reactive and proactive communication best practices, and will provide best practices for public health practitioners to translate research effectively to public audiences.
This recorded training will provide a brief overview of how public health surveillance systems work, what qualities make a surveillance system effective, why these systems are important, and what methodologies are used for evaluation.
Public Health Prepared’s first virtual summit will provide an opportunity to hear from national and Michigan-based leaders in infectious disease and emergency response. The kick-off keynote presentation will offer a critical perspective on future directions for the...
This recorded webinar will discuss how to address partnership challenges and will provide recommendations to strengthen existing partnerships and foster new ones.
This training will include insight from practitioners and researchers on how to put QI frameworks into practice, in the context of COVID-19 and beyond.
This recorded training will explore communication frameworks for message design and prioritization, as well as strategies for focused and targeted communications.
This training will discuss the importance of integrating equity principles into Incident Command System (ICS) operations and will provide practitioners with strategies to implement equity into ICS operations.